The course that replaces or enhances most Sports or Fitness Degrees

Write your awesome label here.
Degree's are expensive, time consuming and for many out of reach. Equally having a Degree is an amazing achievement and helps you to understand some of the technical aspects of the industry, however it can leave you needing more application skills when you hit the gym floor.

I built FTE for the trainers that want to be the absolute best they can be.  The course is just a snippet of what we do, and although we teach over a year, our students are encouraged back every year as we update and improve our courses.  Obviously, like with all Faster courses, you don't have to pay to return. 

In this course the skills you develop will include,

Exercise Creation
- Kinetic and Kinematic Matching
- Exercise Generation through variables
- Exercise Generation through performance
Programme Design
- Skill Development to Performance Planning
- Exercise order for experience
- Exercise selection for results
Specific Specialisations for
- Weight loss
- Hypertrophy
- Strength, Speed, Power
- Mobility, Wellness
- Long term Pain
- Short term Pain
- Injuries
- Pre-Postnatal, Menopause, 
- The science of emotions, feeling and story
- Inspiration and Motivation
- Behaviour Change
- High Performance Coaching
- Transferrable skills from Voice Over Actors
- Transferrable skills from Stand-up
- Transferrable skills from Story writing
- Transferrable skills from Improvisation
- Transferrable skills from Presenting

As well as the above skills you will also get access to other FASTER courses to do at your leisure, including -
Field Based Biomechanics
Movement Coach
Motor Skill Application Specialist
Injury to Performance Specialist

and later this year,

Nutrition Coach
High Performance Coach

It will take you 3 years to fully master everything, and by then we will have more courses for you to look at where you might be writing the course we are sharing. 

On top of being a great trainer at the end of this you will also be able to teach other trainers a CIMSPA CPD course 1-1 to start helping new Faster Trainer in the industry (this will require starting a teaching course with us, or already being qualified).
This year our course is open to sign up to whenever you want to

FTE 2024

Watching trainers build their skills in research, biomechanics, exercise design, programme design, business skills and then see them go on and train the injured, ill, athletic, weight loss, weight gain, beginners, old, young, elite and all the clients in between is the reason I built this course. 

In 2010 I wrote the first course to give everything I knew to the most important trainers in my business.

It was taught over a 4 day weekend that people could return to.  Every year I vowed to re-write it and add in everything I had improved on that year, and every year I would have an open ended invite without additional course costs, to come back.

In 2024 it now takes me 11 Days of live training over three visits, and over 40 sessions of zoom lectures to produce and maintain the best trainers in my industry.


Once a year you get chance to sign up, and then you have to wait a year.  The first people to commit will get the best price that year, I reward the decision.  Scroll down the page to learn more and see if you are right to join our group.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Video and interactive eBooks

80 hours in total (including zoom)

Live Days

11 Days each year


60+ Top of their game trainers


Free access to MSAS, Injury to Performance, Feild Based Biomechanics and more...
The ideal student for the FTE course would be the following - 
  • Open to learning
  • Open to being wrong
  • Willingness to be vulnerable about their current needs as a trainer
  • Happy to learn in their own way, even if that is different to the majority of the group
  • Patience to see the course through
  • Nice to themselves and other people
  • Willing to challenge
  • Willing to learn how to challenge
  • Client focussed
  • Certified in something relevant to the movement industry (Level 3 Personal Trainer, Degree, Masters Degree, Pilates, Physiotherapy etc)
  • Driven to understand themselves as a trainer so that they can understand their clients
  • A capacity to get nerdy in a safe space
  • Frustrated with the industry, themselves or something else that needs fixing
  • Focussed on answers
  • Willing to define their potential regardless of others goals
  • Happy to fulfil their potential
  • Able to commit the money and time, and patient enough to be realistic if it takes more than one cycle through the course
On all courses FASTER gives a price transparency statement to allow you to see why we charge what we do and the best way for you to get the best price.  This is important to Faster as a company because once you sign up we want to keep you as a part of our community for as long as we can.

The FTE is a multi-year product, so the payment is to cover the costs of running the course, developing and growing its content and quality each year and allowing the tutor/author to put time into 1-1 support and additional work for you around the main course.  Due to the fact that FASTER does not have a course hierarchy to get into the FTE course, then someone can jump in right at the top and get to many of the other courses in the FASTER catalogue.  Finally as we keep numbers of new students to a reasonable level (we average 4 new students a year, we have capacity for 15 maximum), the price reflects what is required to run the course effectively.

As an FTE student you get to benefit from many of our other courses for free, you will get to teach some of our courses to local students that want to be as good as you, and you get support with everything from business to technical skills outside of the main course. 

After researching and also taking many of the top courses in the world in fitness I believe we offer way above £12000 worth of value in this course.  However the price is built to attract people in and keep them coming back.  Some students have been coming back for over 10 years (yes Charlie, I am pointing at you). If you were to pay full price and do that it works out at £550 a year and includes new courses as well as the current ones!

So the full price for the course for 2024 is £5500


Faster is a small in size (large in reach and content) business, I (John) run it and make all the decisions.  The business is self funded and so cash flow is one of the most important aspects of the business. This means that if you want the best price, then being able to pay up front, or monthly with a large deposit, will get you that.  Alternatively, if you are the perfect student and this is the perfect course and you would prefer to spread the costs of the course, then a call could see me do a lower deposit and spread the payments over 12 or 24 months. You wont pay more than £5800 this year though and that would be spread over 33 months.  I will do a better deal for the first people to sign up (we will definitely have some in September) because I like to reward people who jump in early.  Also if you start early you can get into some of the other courses before we start which will be beneficial to you. 

For more information or a great plan then get in touch via WhatsApp.
Easy payment

FTE 2024 Exclusive and Limited

Each time I make a deal I will place it on here in case you want to jump straight in!