Biomechanics are misunderstood

Something smells in my industry!

People are calling B@£LS@$T on biomechanics.

I want to break this down as it’s something we discussed on the @faster_function Injury Recovery to Performance Specialist course.

Kinetics is simply observing motion and that’s part of biomechanics. The people calling B@£LS@$T are annoyed with some people who use techniques, but biomechanics is not a technique so it’s not right or wrong.

The people using techniques use fear and vagueness make up problems that aren’t real medical issues. These people will say a bone is in the wrong position or out of alignment and it’s causing a tight muscle, unstable joint, weak muscles etc. This leads to predicting, fixing and preventing injuries and pain.

Another example of people saying “biomechanics are B@£LS@$T  ” are people who think seeing movement isn’t an important skill. These people might not realise it but they most definitely do use kinetics (observation of motion) all the time because anything can alter a persons kinetics.

Points from the course call:

  • Observing motion is a tool to see movement in real time of how a client is experiencing the exercise/sport/game/life task.
  • It’s a way to understand why a movement or exercises may be a benefit or a problem for a person.
  • It’s not a reason to make up techniques based on non-measurable assessments.
  • Tight, loose, weak and strong are not determining reasons for us to use positions of bones to predict, prevent or improve injuries, pain, and conditions.
  • Observing motion is about exercise design and loading, the cornerstone of all exercise programmes.
  • Changes in kinetics can show you part of the story in a persons mood, worries or comforts.
  • That’s part of the whole body listening skill you need to work with people.