Medicine Ball and Kettlebell Exercises Workouts
Today we are using 2 training tools, Medicine Ball and Kettlebells. These exercises will give a full body workout and strength training. The workout will get work the upper and lower body muscle groups. The workout will be great for core training as well.
Medicine Ball Training:
Medicine Ball exercises have progressed a long way since they were first introduced to the fitness world
The work great with gravity, going up to large weights and offering a unique grip challenge
Having the ability to move the ball close to the body or far away allows for momentum changes
Moving the ball across the ground creates momentum challenges for the body to defend
Travelling over, or on and off the ball changes ground reaction and clients reactions
Kettlebell Training
The Kettlebell is a weight with a handle, which it is thought, originated in Russia, where it first appeared in the Russian dictionary in 1709. Back then it was used as a counter weight for farm equipment, however it soon migrated to becoming a tool used for developing strength endurance, which would probably just have been considered fitness at the time. This training, over time, became something that was also featured at shows, with a selection of difficult moves used to measure strength in these local competitions. Recently, this sport has made it back in to Fitness, and so FASTER has designed a course to show how you can develop different exercises for this sport, to develop your endurance and techniques in different ways to improve you and your clients ability in the sport. In fitness, it will show the faster exercise development in process.
Workout: 60 second intervals, 20 second rest between exercises, repeat 4 times