FASTER Hub Club is a one time payment club that gets you access to all hub course and live events.
What our students think!
Justin Richards
Live dates and workshops - optional, repeatable and awesome!
Hub Strong
5th June - 12 - 5 - Red Beard Barbell Club, Unit 2 Moor Farm, Holyport, Maidenhead, SL6 2HY
"Strength is an expression of a consistent motor skill
(inter and intra muscular co-ordination), the underlying structures (muscles,
tendons, ligaments), and the drive to unhook the forward fed fatigue
system. In this seminar we show hub techniques to improve all three
components of strength. If you ever wanted to lift heavy, or you do lift
heavy, then you do not want to miss this."
Hub Exercise Design
17th June - 11 - 4 - Darcy Fitness, Bawdon Lodge Farm, Nanpantan Rd, Nanpantan, Loughborough LE12 9YE
“Programme design should be built around movement,
intensity, load and fun. This one day is
to show you the variables and the delivery of exercise that to everyone else
will look complicated, but to your client on the hub, will feel amazing! If you
want to spend a day laughing and moving, you will love this live day”
Hub Run
18th June - 11 - 4 - Darcy Fitness, Bawdon Lodge Farm, Nanpantan Rd, Nanpantan, Loughborough LE12 9YE
“Running speed requires great acceleration, top speed, and speed endurance. Running in sport requires agility, mobility, and reactions to obstacles. This day is about running for a specific outcome, and during the day we will work on all aspects of running and show you how to build these exercises and techniques into programming”
Hub Group
Date and Venue coming soon
“Spend a day learning how to use the hub for small and larger group training. This class is based on teaching to a group (from the front) and shows you how to build amazing workouts that can be done in a studio, or smaller space on a park. Using the hub as a way of creating exercises that promote motor skill learning and allow you as a trainer to bring excitement and fun to your client, this day is designed to bring you loads of exercise ideas, delivery styles and leave you with a way of earning more money per hour with small groups”
Hub Anatomy and Field Biomechanics
Date and Venue coming soon
“Faster has spent years teaching how to see biomechanics in the field, without needing to film and analyse, allowing the trainer or coach to make decisions quickly, keeping the intensity high enough to get a result, the movement accurate enough to get the right result and the efficiency of the workout tight to keep the client coming back. To learn Field based biomechanics, you need to know anatomy, and this is a unique course in the fact we teach this practically on the hub, perfect for people who find learning bones, joints, muscles, and movements from books and lectures a bit tough”
Hub Sport
Date and Venue coming soon
“Mobility, Strength, Power, Agility, Motor Skill Learning, Performance Psychology and Team Bonding, all wrapped up into an amazing day of movement. Learn how to use the hub as the centre of your performance-built circuits, to create high intensity, reactive, real workouts to improve your client’s sports performance results at pace. We have professional Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Young Talent Development Managers, and Sports Performance consultants who use the Hub to get the best from their clients. The Athletes who use it, cannot believe how hard they work in the sessions, without it feeling tough at the time. In this one-day course we will be sharing how to do this for your client’s”
Below is our course content
Key learning points from the course content
Here is a list of the headline topics we have written our content to.
• Understand the function of joints:
- Joint movement terminology: flexion and extension, adduction and abduction, circumduction, supination and pronation, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion, lateral flexion and extension, horizontal flexion and extension, elevation and depression, inversion and eversion, tensile strength of ligaments.
- Planes of motion: transverse, frontal and sagittal.
- Joint stability, passive and active structures, shock absorption: e.g. natural curves of the spine.
Muscles Understand the classification and structure of muscles:
- Cardiac, smooth, skeletal.
- Connective tissue (epimysium, perimysium, endomysium). - Muscle fibres - slow twitch type I (slow oxidative), fast twitch (type 2a: fast oxidative glycolytic and type 2b: fast glycolytic).
- Muscles and muscle attachment sites (origins and insertions), to cover:
- Rotator cuff: SITS (S: supraspinatus I: infraspinatus T: teres minor S: subscapularis).
- Shoulder girdle: levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, trapezius, rhomboids major/minor, teres major.
- Spinal extensors: erector spinae, iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis, multifidus, quadratus lumborum.
- Hip flexors (iliopsoas): iliacus, psoas major.
- Adductors: magnus, brevis, longus, pectineus, gracilis, sartorius.
- Abductors: gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis, tensor fascia latae.
- Abdominals: internal and external obliques, transversus abdominus.
- Intercostals: diaphragm.
- ‘Core’ and pelvic floor muscles.
- Local/deep, global/superficial muscles.
Understand the function of muscles:
- Muscle actions: to cover muscles listed above. - Roles of major muscles: prime mover (agonist), antagonist, synergist, fixators.
- Muscle contractions: concentric and eccentric (isotonic), isometric and isokinetic.
- The principles of muscle contraction: e.g. all or none law, sliding filament theory, stretch reflex and reverse stretch reflex, size principle of motor unit recruitment.
- Biomechanics: 1st, 2nd and 3rd class levers. - ‘Core’ and pelvic floor.
- Local/deep; global/superficial.
Understand the effects of exercise on muscles:
- Short and long-term effects, delayed onset of muscles soreness (DOMS), muscle fatigue.
- Response to overuse, underuse, misuse: e.g. shortening/weakening, altered roles/synergists becoming prime movers etc.
Biological Systems Understand the effects of exercise on biological systems:
- Cardiorespiratory: short and long-term effects on blood pressure, aerobic respiration, venous return, the implications of blood pooling.
- Nervous: motor unit recruitment, inter and intramuscular coordination, neuromuscular coordination.
- Endocrine: hormonal responses.
- Signs and symptoms of overtraining.
Energy Systems
Understand the classification of energy systems:
- Aerobic, anaerobic (lactate and creatine phosphate).
Understand the function of energy systems: - How the energy systems function independently and how they interact with one another.
Understand the effects of exercise on energy systems:
- ATP re-synthesis, aerobic and anaerobic threshold, effects of different training methods/systems.
Anatomical planes of movement
Understand the classification of anatomical planes of movement:
- Frontal (coronal), sagittal and transverse.
Anatomical terms of location Understand the classification of anatomical terms of location:
- Superior and inferior, Anterior and posterior, Medial and lateral, Proximal and distal, Superficial and deep.
Applied biomechanics and kinesiology Understand the effect of exercise variables on biomechanics and kinesiology:
- Levers, gravity/centre of gravity, momentum, force, planes of motion, length-tension relationships, open and closed chain kinetic movements with examples of each and a consideration of their advantages and disadvantages.
Designing and tailoring exercise programmes
Understand how to design and tailor exercise programmes for a range of clients within scope of practice:
- Including: sedentary, recovering from injury, over-trained, high-level performer, sport specific performer, clients with low-risk health conditions, etc.
- How to apply the principles of training to exercise programme design to develop, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength (hypertrophy and endurance), flexibility, body composition, posture and core stability, motor skills.
- The advantages and disadvantages of exercising at various intensities for: sedentary (untrained) experienced (trained), high-level performers (well trained).
Know a range of different protocols and tools:
- Calculations of repetition maximums (1RM – 10RM).
- Methods of monitoring exercise intensity to include: maximum heart rate formula, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scales, both 6-20 and 1- 10, metabolic equivalents (METs), kilocalories per hour (, visual assessment and verbal assessment (talk test).
- The repetition ranges for strength, power, endurance and muscle hypertrophy.
- Heart rate training zone models for developing aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
- The current ACSM or other recognised International guidelines for developing the different components of fitness.
- Relevant guidelines for hands-on-contact with clients (with reference to relevant code of ethics/health and safety guidelines)
- The reasons for using periodisation or progressive programming and the principles behind them.
Variables Understand the variables of training and how to tailor exercise programmes to support goal achievement:
- How to manipulate the FITT principle to tailor exercise programmes: e.g. choice of exercises, sequence of exercise, resistance and repetitions, number of sets, rest between sets (recovery), speed of movement, type of muscle contraction, duration of session, rest between sessions, volume of training, split routines, development of aerobic and anaerobic CV fitness, strength, endurance, hypertrophy, speed and power etc.
Principles of training Understand the principles of training and how they relate to exercise programme design:
- Including specificity, progressive overload, reversibility, adaptability, individuality and recovery time and how they relate to individual wants, goals and needs.
- The importance of adequate rest phases between training loads and the signs and symptoms of overtraining.
Exercise modes and training environments
Understand how to design and deliver different modes of exercise in different environments:
- Different environments: e.g. gym-based, studio-based, sports hall, outdoors, home-based or confined space.
- Exercise modes: e.g. resistance training (machines, free-weights, body-weight), CV training, circuit training, body conditioning, core exercise, flexibility training etc.
Small Group Training
Understand how to design sessions that can be delivered to small groups ensuring the safety of all clients at all times:
- How to design effective small group PT sessions.
- How to balance the needs of the individual and the group.
Application of exercise science to programme design and delivery
Evidence the application of knowledge of:
- The musculoskeletal system to programme design: e.g. musculoskeletal structure, muscle physiology, postural abnormalities, physiological adaptations to exercise, measuring exercise response, exercise risks.
- Biomechanical concepts to programme design: e.g. resistance training equipment, exercise intensity, exercise safety and contraindications.
- Physiological concepts to programme design: e.g. nervous and endocrine system, overtraining, effects of various environmental conditions on exercise response, effects of various individual factors on exercise response, dose-response relationship.
- Cardio-respiratory system and energy systems to programme design: e.g. structure and function of the cardiorespiratory system, cardiac cycle, transport and gaseous exchange, aerobic and anaerobic systems, heart rate response to exercise, oxygen demands of different activities, physiological adaptations to exercise.
Applied biomechanics and kinesiology
- Know the effect of exercise variables on biomechanics and kinesiology.
Develop a Strength and Conditioning Programme • Understand the components of fitness (health and skill related).
- Understand the principles and variables of fitness/training e.g. FITT principles (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) including: Adaptation, modification and progression for each component. Implications of specificity. Progressive overload. Reversibility. Adaptability. Individuality. Recovery time.
- Understand the differences between programming exercise for physical and general health benefits, and sports performance.
- Know how to incorporate safe and effective warm ups and cool downs.
- Understand the range of available equipment and how to select the most appropriate exercise and exercise modes to meet the participant’s needs and goals. • Understand the effect of speed of movement on posture, alignment and intensity.
- Understand different learning styles, goals, needs, likes and dislikes and how these should to be reflected in planning.
- Develop alternative activities, exercises or participation options for the overall programme. • Plan for the provision of adaptations, progressions and regressions for each exercise included in the programme.
- Set and adapt meaningful goals linked to a participant’s individual needs, wants and motivators.
- Understand the best use of different forms of external resistance for strength and explosive training.
- Understand the importance of developing muscular equilibrium when planning and designing training programmes, especially in the weight room.
- Know how to programme exercise to develop metabolic fitness, resistance training, and explosive training outcomes.
- Know how to minimise any risks relevant to the programme.
- Be able to set realistic timings and sequences for sessions.
Coaching a range of strength and conditioning methods
Know a range of S&C training methods including: Effective RAMP warm up protocol. Foundation movements to promote mobility, stability, postural integrity and coordination. Strength based training and explosive activities. Energy system training protocols. High intensity running-based activities.
Foundation movements training
Know safe and effective technique for a range of foundation movements to cover: Squat. Lunge, including multi-planar. Hinge. Jump, including bilateral and unilateral variations. Quadrupedal. Push. Pull. Rotation. Running.
Resisted movements for strength based and explosive training
Know safe and effective technique for a range of exercises to cover: Bodyweight exercise including suspension training. Medicine balls. Barbells: lifting and spotting technique. Dumbbells: lifting and spotting technique. Other resistance training equipment such as kettlebells and sandbags. Supplementary equipment: e.g. the use of mats for trunk strength exercises.
High Intensity running based activities
- Know safe and effective technique for a range of exercises to cover: Acceleration. Deceleration.